
喔耶 這一陣子大概都可以一直看到他們倆了

translation by kkirmn @ lee ji ah soompi thread  

the story plot of romeo and juliet @   

Chapter 1 - First Meeting  

To put it simply I’m not interested in this thing called love. Everyone has done it once but I still feel different from my friends who cry and laugh because of love. This stupid love that my friends do (didnt really get the next part but it most probably means she doesn't like it). Crying and laughing over something so small, how dumb... 

But I am curious. If it really is love that makes people so dumb. Because even my smartest friends become dumb when they fall in love. What is it that makes people so laughable. Once again after class me and my friends are at the Berona cafe to talk about my friends love stories. Please let todays stories past fast... There is no conclusion and the more i listen to them the more i get uncomfortable. But what can I do. As a friend I must understand them. 
但是我好奇的是,如果愛情真的讓人變的這麼愚蠢,因為它甚至讓我最聰明的朋友在他們與人陷入愛情中時變的像個傻瓜.是什麼原因讓人變的這麼幼稚呢?在一次的課堂結束後,我和我的朋友在Berona咖啡廳裏聊著朋友們的愛情故事. 請讓今天的故事快點過去吧…沒有結論的故事,無論我聽的再多也只會讓我更覺得不舒服. 但是我能怎麼做?身為朋友,我必須去理解他們. 

The cafe is very quiet and cool. You can see that the owner puts a lot of effort into decorating the cafe with european antiques. That is why I like it here. One reason to come here is to listen to my friends but the bigger reason is because i like it here. So even though the mean me would reject listening to my friend stories I come along with them. 

Me and my friends grab a seat and order our usual caramel makiyato and then i listen to my friend D talk about her fight with her boyfriend. I do slightly get annoyed that I have to listen to her story while drinking the coffee i like and being at the cafe i like. But I learned to not allow these feelings to show for my friends. 

when I was young I was very selfish so I got into trouble often. Late I learned that I muse understand and feel pity for my friends at the right time. When I came back home after fighting with my friends my mom would (something about repeating something like a radio)??. Even though she doesnt do that anymore I still sometimes hear her voice in my head. Maybe it is because she is in my heart. 

I am just shortly replying to my friends story and looking curiously around the cafe. The cafe with its intricately designed antiques make me feel as if Im in a place in Europe. Once in a while I would reply to my friend with ohoh and continue to look around the cafe. 

My eyes keep going towards a man sitting next to my table. He isnt moving at all and it seems a bit weird. i am curious about what he is doing next to a roudy table so I continue to look at him. 
我的目光繼續朝著前方正坐在隔壁桌的男人看去.他一動也不動的,看起來也有點奇怪. 我好奇著他正對隔壁的圓桌做什麼,所以我繼續的看著他. 

I slowly look at him and see his eyes that make him seem as if he has a temper. I think that he probably made his parents disappointed often. (HAHA lol her first impression about sojisub). Weirdly even though i am listening to my friends story I keep thinking about him. 

I am concentrating on my friends story but then she accused me of not listening to her story. I wanted to say "D! I feel weird." but because I don't know my feelings I kept my mouth shut. Then my friend received a phone call from her boyfriend. Suddenly her expression changed and it seemed as if she had gotten back together with her boyfriend. Just 5 minutes ago she was complaining about him. Now she is smiling and acting cute. I looked away only to meet eyes with the man sitting on the next table. 
我專心的聽著朋友的故事,之後她卻指責我沒聽著她的話. 我很想對她說”D,我覺得好奇怪喔.” 但因為我不知道我的感覺, 所以我緊閉著嘴唇. 然後我的朋友接了男友打給她的電話.突然,她的表情變了,看起來就好像是她必須馬上到男友的身邊. 5分鐘前她還在抱怨她的男友啊. 現在她邊笑著邊裝可愛. 我的視線離開了坐在隔壁桌那男人的雙眼. 

However his eyes were cold and cruel. Why is he like that~ Is not like me looking at him will hurt his face so why is he looking at me with such a mean look. "Aigo, I wasn't looking at you because of your looks. I just turned around and met eyes with you. Does that make you so mad?" I wanted to say that but weirdly I didn't have the courage. Most certainly with my attitude I would have said so. 
然而,他的眼睛依舊是冷淡和殘酷的. 為什麼他看起來像那樣~? 不像我這樣看著他會讓他受傷害的表情,但為什麼他看著我像是帶有含意的表情呢? “唉喲,不是因為關心你的長像才這樣的看著你,我只是剛好轉過頭來和你有眼神接觸啊. 那樣做會讓你用不好的眼神看我?” 我很想那樣說,但是,很奇怪地我卻沒有勇氣. 我說過了,一定是我的態度問題. 

Maybe it was because of luck or my looks but no guy has ever looked at me like that. Even someone that I bumped into would give me a warm expression. What is that guy! I'm not sure if im bothered or if my confidence has been lowered but I have some feelings arousing. 
也許是因為好運或許是我的外表,但是卻從沒有男孩子用那樣的眼神看我.就算是有些我無意中碰到的人,也會給我一個溫暖的表情.這男人啊! 我不確定是不是我打擾到他,或是我的自信被貶低了,但我心中某些感覺被激發了.

My friend D hanged up her phone call and started to talk about how great her boyfriend is. Until when do I have to listen to this. Once again I think about other things rather then listening to my friend. I think about the report I have to do and the clothes and shoes I want to buy then the man from the next table came into my thought. The more I think about it the more pissed I get. What did I do so badly! I said quietly from my mouth and turned to look at the man. 
Ah Ra! He left? Hes nowhere to be seen around the cafe. 
If this was gonna happen I should have gotten mad at him 
Then my eyes looked toward the door. 
我的朋友D掛掉了電話,並開始說著她的男友有多麼好. 直到我必須再聽到這些話.我又再一次的想著其他的事也不願再聽我朋友說. 我想著我的報告,想著我想買的衣服和鞋子,然後隔壁桌的男人又再一次的跑到我的腦海裏.我越想越氣.看我做的好事!我很快地從我嘴裏說出來並轉過去往那男人的方向看. 

What could it be this feeling I've been having. 
Why does that mans image keep coming up in my thoughts? 



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